Numerically Limiting Searches

Searches may be performed by context Word, String, Headword, date (Century or Year), Location, or Source text, or any combination thereof. Searches may be performed with or without accents but will only produce complete results by using the autofill selection provided or by typing the word using accents. For help with typing accents, see the Using Accents Help Guide.

Searches may also be limited by the number of results produced. In the Limit box, the user may indicate the number of results he/she wishes to receive. This is helpful when searching for common or high-frequency word(s), with or without other limiting factors such as location, date, or source; or if the search is performed on a geographical area over a large span of time. The numerically-limited search will return results, in the amount indicated, in chronological order, starting with the earliest example of the search item as found in the corpus. Thus if one searches on the headword hombre (which appears 458 times as a headword in the corpus), with a limit of 100, the results will provide the earliest 100 appearances of the headword contained in the corpus, dating from 1494 to 1575. Similarly, if one searches for all words from México in the 16th century (for which there are 11,532 results), limiting the search output to 100, the user receives the earliest 100 examples, which date from 1505 to 1521. The Limit function can be used in combination will all search options: Location, date (Century or Year), Word, String, Source text and Headword.

The search results are returned in the following format, in chronological order:

For example:

[c. 1575 México] sería adúltera y moriría estruxada la cabeça entre dos piedras [BSG 4, 5]

This is the original information from the Léxico hispanoamericano published on CD-ROM in 2003.[1] Copyright on all data is held by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.

[1]Peter Boyd-Bowman’s Léxico hispanoamericano 1493-1993. Eds. Ray Harris-Northall and John J. Nitti. Technical development by Jean E. Lentz. New York: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 2003-2007. Version 2.0. April 2007. For those interested in the construction and history of the Boyd-Bowman project, Léxico hispanoamericano, there is information under the History of the Project link on the About tab on this website.