Chronological Searches
Searches may be performed on chronology (Century or Year) alone, or combined with parameters for Location, Source text, Word, String or Headword, or any combination thereof.
Chronological information for each citation comes from the CD-ROM publication, which this web-based program follows. As stated in the original User’s Guide, “when a dating is approximate, it is noted as such” (8).[1]
To search by a single year, the user should type that date in the first box of the “Year: From:_______ To: ______” search option.
For example, to search on the one year 1525, the user types in: “Year: From:_1525___ To: ______”, leaving the “To” option blank. The user then clicks on the Search button. The search will bring up the results on the screen below.
To search on a span of years, the user would fill in both “From” and “To” and click on the Search button. The results for the search between those years, inclusive, will be displayed.
To search on a single century, the user would leave the “Year. From: ____ To:______” option blank and instead use the “Century” option, filling in the box using Arabic numerals to indicate the century on which to search.
All search results are displayed in the following format, in chronological order:
- First, in brackets, the date and place of the source text cited
- Second, the text citation as given in the Boyd-Bowman Corpus (see Citation Help Guide for a description of how citations are presented)
- Third, in brackets, the 3-character abbreviation for the text title, followed typically by the pages within the text where the citation is found (for complete listing of text abbreviations, see the Source Abbreviation and Text Title link on the Help tab or the link next to the Source search box on the home page). If there is an associated volume number for the text source, that number will precede, if relevant, the page number.
For example:
[c. 1575 México] sería adúltera y moriría estruxada la cabeça entre dos piedras [BSG 4, 5]
This is the original information from the Léxico hispanoamericano published on CD-ROM. Copyright on all data is held by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.
The user should realize that some chronological searches will produce a large number of results. A simple search, such as for the year 1550, will provide 1,682 results; a general search on 16th century, will produce 83,641 results. The user should consider refining such searches by parameters for Location, Source text, Headword, Word, or String.
If the search produces a large number of results, the program will pause after 500 results are found and prompt the user if he/she wishes to continue or abort the current search. In such instances, the user may wish to abort the search and consider limiting the search by either number (see Limit Search Help Guide) or combine the search with parameters mentioned above, to provide a more manageable selection.
[1] Peter Boyd-Bowman’s Léxico hispanoamericano 1493-1993. Eds. Ray Harris-Northall and John J. Nitti. Technical development by Jean E. Lentz. New York: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 2003-2007. Version 2.0. April 2007. For those interested in the construction and history of the Boyd-Bowman project, Léxico hispanoamericano, there is information under the History of the Project link on the About Tab on this website.